Tag Archives: nature

Birthday week in the mountains

We stayed in a lovely cabin near Rollinsville for my birthday, after a whirl around the carousel in Nederland.


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One of the highlights was my birthday cake, adapted from the Joy of Cooking (1964) with a cream cheese chocolate icing. Glory wanted to decorate it, went outside to collect bits of autumn, and came up with this beautiful creation:


We did our part-time school day even more part time, with the joy of doing math in one’s pajamas. Art was pretty low-key; Glory and I did contour drawings of aspen leaves, which turned out wonderfully.


And the hiking–glorious! We hiked at the Moffat Tunnel, which is very beautiful, but they had the Big Fan on constantly for some reason. We also did a bit of the Hessie Trailhead–the aspen groves there are very magical right now!




It was warm enough to have morning tea outdoors


Happy 38 to me!


Week of September 14

A glorious week for being outdoors! Monday’s art was watercolors in the garden, with our new, grown-up brushes and Stockmar paints. They also had some sort of game in which Glory was a sea diver.

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History was the Old Kingdom of Egypt, and the completion of papyrus making. Unfortunately the strips did not stick together. We will soak and roll them again. The history text for Emmett’s class is rather disappointing, so we’re focusing more on books we find and projects. Piano is going really well, despite the book progressing rather quickly. Glory played with a classmate this week for the first time.


Our house is painted, and we are taking apart the old front screen door to make a new back door, since it was so nicely constructed.

Wednesday was windy (which made for fun data for Emmett’s wind observations for science) so we flew kites. Wednesday Craft Day was making fall-inspired tutus for Horsie and Lavender Basil.

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Nature Friday took place at the Sourdough Trail, where we were four weeks ago. It was neat to see the same trees in a suddenly different season. Sulien wanted to walk most of the way, which was a bit much for tiny legs. Horse riding was fun; Emmett and Glory traded horses this week.


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Week of September 7

Week 3 has been more successful school-wise! Emmett was nearly enthusiastic about doing work some days. Monday we hiked the Ceran St. Vrain trail, with, apparently, everyone who had Labor Day off. It appears to be a heavily used trail, but I think this was exceptional. E and G loved their “dirt slide”, and Sulien kept wanting to go in the St. Vrain–brr! The trail is shady, and has large campsites, though they aren’t exactly secluded.


We went to the library and the Egyptian store, since we are reading about ancient Egypt, and got a kit to make papyrus. The process can take two weeks! I am not impressed by the history book Emmett’s class is using, Story of the World by Bauer, but the chapters are short, so we have plenty of time for other books on the subject. Glory lead Wednesday craft time, and we made paper puppets (her own invention). Piano is going well for Emmett; he seems to really like it.

I finished their art smocks, and used some scraps to make Sulien a reversible sun hat. Both projects are from Oliver + S: Things to Sew. This book doesn’t have any of their awesome clothing patterns, but the projects in it are as well-written as their single patterns.

Nature Friday was close to home, with a walk to Golden Ponds and the river. Emmett found some claws, and we saw the cutest frog in the world. Saturday had horse riding, and the finishing of the house being painted! Now we are taking apart our old screen door to use on the back door, and have gotten some lovely red oak to make a storm door. Three cheers for being able to avoid Home Depot.

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Nature Fridays

We went to Gold Hill for a coffee at the Gold Hill General Store (they have lunch and pie, too!) and then for a lovely little hike off of Rainbow Lake Road. We went home through Nederland, so we had to stop at the carousel, which Glory recently announced was her “favorite place in the whole world”.

Jill, Sulien, Emmett, and Horsie in the little Aspen forest.

Jill, Sulien, Emmett, and Horsie in the little Aspen forest.

Glory on the trail.

Glory on the trail.

Emmett and Horsie next to a tiny Christmas tree.

Emmett and Horsie next to a tiny Christmas tree.