Crafts, cooking, and reflections

The pencil rolls. These are actually really handy for bringing places, having the pencils laid out on the table, and not having them spill in the art cabinet. Made from a 1960s fabric scrap and a thrifted pillowcase, they cost about $1 each!


Good foods this week: vegetable pie with potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and other goodies from our garden  and CSA. Dreena Burton’s No-Fu loaf (a tofu-free vegan meatloaf). Apple-pear crisp (our tree is dropping the apples right now; unfortunately the bigger trees around here don’t have any apples this year!) Dried pear slices. Homemade vanilla-peppermint ice cream from our cow share. Oh, autumn foods have just begun…


Lovely finds: a wool floor duster that is fantastic for quickly cleaning baseboards. It’s basically the original Swiffer, works way better, and doesn’t use disposable materials. A fairy dress and tiger costume for G and E, which saves me sewing them (sewing fake fur is a mess!) A stash of vintage aprons that jumped out at me at the thrift shop when looking for the costumes.

Emmett is slowly getting that it is in his best interest to try his best for tests. The first math test was today, and he did great.

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